Renewable Energy Zones

Renewable Energy Zones will group new wind and solar power generation in certain locations where it can be efficiently stored and transmitted to users.

Five zones have been declared by the NSW Government to help replace ageing NSW coal-fired power, to deliver cleaner, more affordable and more reliable energy to NSW homes and businesses.

Renewable Energy Zone Access Rights

Typically for generation and storage projects to connect to a REZ, they require an Access Right. Projects compete for an Access Right in AEMO Services competitive tenders, and projects needing both an Access Right and an LTESA must bid for both products simultaneously in a single competitive tender round.

EnergyCo is the Infrastructure Planner for the first five REZ, and has developed the Access Right to help support better outcomes for communities, consumers and project proponents. Find out more about Renewable Energy Zones.

About Access Schemes

Access schemes are a key part of the NSW Government’s plan to coordinate and encourage renewable energy and storage investment in Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) and realise the objectives of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap (the Roadmap) and the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (the Act).

An access scheme is intended to enable efficient investment in generation, storage and transmission infrastructure in the long-term interest of consumers while delivering positive outcomes for local and First Nations communities.

Generation and storage projects that wish to connect to network infrastructure which is subject to an access scheme will need to apply for an access right through a competitive tender. Access right holders will be charged access fees that include components to fund community benefit and employment programs.

Learn more about Access Schemes
Authorisation Function

AEMO Services independently reviews REZ network infrastructure project recommendations provided by EnergyCo to confirm the project provides a net benefit to consumers. New network infrastructure in Renewable Energy Zones enables the generation and storage infrastructure required to transform the energy system. The Network Authorisation Process and Approach Paper outlines the processes and approach AEMO Services will adopt in performing its authorisation function under the EII Act to support the timely and efficient delivery of REZ network infrastructure projects.

Read the network Authorisation and Approach Paper