Icon showing a stork (bird) holding a baby
Parental leave
Icon showing a pool chair and beach umbrella
Extra leave options
Icon showing someone stretching their body
Flexible working
Icon showing a piggybank

All employees, regardless of gender can access Primary Carer’s Parental Leave. Carers have the option to take 14 weeks at full pay or 28 weeks at half pay.

AEMO Services employees have access to a range of extra leave options. These include the ability to purchase additional annual leave days and access to parental leave allowances. Employees also have the option to substitute a gazetted public holiday day with one that is culturally significant.

AEMO Services supports hybrid work and a culture that enables flexibility. This includes formal and informal flex arrangements to support our people to balance work and personal commitments and providing tools to work remotely.

AEMO Services offers competitive remuneration, supplemented by annual performance incentives for eligible employees.

Novated lease
Icon showing a head with a lightbulb in it
Study assistance
Icon showing a bank note with wings
Salary continuance insurance

A novated lease scheme is available for those employees who want to pay for vehicle leasing and running costs through a combination of pre and post-tax salary deductions.

We value people who strive to learn throughout their careers. AEMO Services aims to support employees undertaking tertiary or further study by providing either financial assistance for course fees or study leave for tuition during business hours – or both – depending on individual situations.

As a permanent staff member under the age of 65 who works at least 15 hours a week, you will be eligible for salary continuance insurance, covering you in the case of sickness or injury. AEMO Services covers this cost on behalf of eligible employees.