Our Products

In NSW, our innovative Long-Term Energy Service Agreement can help accelerate project plans into built energy infrastructure

Long-Term Energy Service Agreements

Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESA) are option contracts which offer projects the right to access minimum revenue protection over a long period of time, whilst giving projects the capability to capture the upside of market dynamics.

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Renewable Energy Zones Access Rights

EnergyCo has developed Access Rights, which are a right for generation and storage projects to connect to specified REZ Network Infrastructure with a commitment to limit capacity connected to the REZ Network Infrastructure based on a targeted level of transmission curtailment.
It will improve the ability of generators to forecast National Electricity Market locational price signals, such as marginal loss factors and curtailment.

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We use a proponent centric tender process and innovative products tailored to the market to accelerate project plans into energy infrastructure

Through our rolling schedule of competitive tenders and coordinated investment planning, we act in the long-term financial interests of NSW electricity consumers.

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