28 June 2024

Two new Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs), with a combined maximum capacity of 312 MW, have been awarded to projects in the NSW Central-West region through the fourth tender of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap (Roadmap).

AEMO Services’ Executive General Manager Nevenka Codevelle said the regular and competitive Roadmap tenders had proved successful in helping support investment in NSW.

“This tender brings the total number of wind and solar projects supported with Long-Term Energy Service Agreements to seven in less than two years.

“Together with the four long-duration storage infrastructure projects also supported so far, substantial progress is being made in delivering NSW’s future energy system.”

The successful projects – a wind farm and a hybrid solar farm with a battery energy storage system – were selected by AEMO Services following a comprehensive process to evaluate their financial benefit to energy consumers and host communities.

Maryvale Solar and Energy Storage Project is an innovative hybrid solar and energy storage plant, based near Dubbo, that will generate renewable energy during the day and can supply essential power to the grid during times of peak demand.

The 38 turbine Flyers Creek wind farm is located between Orange and Blayney and is on track to be operational this year, supplying energy to the grid powered by turbines with a rotor diameter of 137 metres.

Ms Codevelle said that AEMO Services was conscious of the work ahead in the State’s energy transition but identified a strong sense of momentum within the market.

“These two projects are worthy additions to a healthy pipeline of projects already supported across NSW, but it is clear that we’ll need to secure further investment at or near record levels to 2030 and beyond if we are to meet our targets and deliver a reliable supply of cleaner, more affordable electricity for NSW consumers.”

“We’ve recently commenced our first tender for access rights in the South West REZ, and an EnergyCo led application process for access rights in the Central West-Orana REZ is also underway.

Ms Codevelle said that new opportunities and certainty from these tenders, along with additional support from the Commonwealth’s Capacity Investment Scheme, would build further interest amongst investors and proponents.

“The appetite from the private sector is there, and these tenders will help us align that ambition with the needs of the energy system.”

Tender Round 4 successful projects

Project name Proponent Technology Capacity REZ / Location
Flyers Creek Wind Farm Iberdrola Wind 140 MW* Orange
Maryvale Solar and
Energy Storage System
Gentari Renewables
172 MW*
372 MWh
Dubbo / within
CWO REZ area
Total 312 MW
*The nameplate capacity for Maryvale Solar and Energy Storage System is 243 MWp and Flyers Creek Wind Farm is 145 MW.


Location of projects awarded LTESAs in Tender Round 4

Figure 1 Location of projects awarded LTESAs in Tender Round 4


Summary of outcomes from Tender Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4

Tender round Number of
LTESAs awarded
Generation capacity Long-Duration
Storage capacity
Firming capacity
4 2 312 MW N/A N/A
3 5 750 MW 524 MW / 4,192 MWh N/A
2 6 N/A N/A 1,075 MW / 2,980 MWh
1 4 1,390 MW  50 MW / 400 MWh N/A
Total 17 2,452 MW  574 MW / 4,592 MWh 1,075 MW / 2,980 MWh


Project name Company Maximum
capacity MW
capacity (MWh)
Location Technology LTESA type
Stubbo Solar Farm ACEN Australia 400
Gulgong Solar Generation
Wind Farm
Goldwind Australia 275   Yass Wind Generation
New England
Solar Farm
ACEN Australia 720
Uralla Solar Generation
Limondale BESS RWE Renewables
50 400 Balranald Lithium-ion battery LDS
Liddell BESS AGL Energy 500 1,000 Muswellbrook Lithium-ion battery Firming
Orana BESS Akaysha Energy 415 1,660 Wellington Lithium-ion battery Firming
Smithfield BESS Iberdrola Energy 65 130 Western Sydney Lithium-ion battery Firming
Virtual Power Plant Enel X Australia 95
  Demand Response Firming
Uungula Wind Farm Squadron Energy 400
Wellington Wind Generation
Culcairn Solar Farm Neoen Australia 350
Culcairn Solar Generation
Silver City
Energy Storage
A-CAES NSW 200 1,600 Broken Hill Advanced-compressed air
energy storage system
Goulburn River
Services Australia
49 392 Merriwa Lithium-ion battery
(hybrid project)
Valley BESS
Ark Energy Projects 275 2,200 Myrtle Creek Lithium-ion battery
Flyers Creek
Wind Farm
Iberdrola 140   Orange Wind Generation
Maryvale Solar and
Energy Storage
System (hybrid)
Gentari Solar
172 372 Dubbo Solar + Lithium-ion battery
(hybrid project)


For more information

AEMO Services Media I M 0403 706 438 I E ASLmedia@aemoservices.com.au

Last updated 28 Jun 2024