22 April 2024


AEMO Services, as the NSW Consumer Trustee, has determined it is in the long-term financial interests of NSW electricity customers that the next competitive tender for generation infrastructure in NSW be conducted as part of the Australian Government’s Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS).

This follows the announcement of an agreement by the Australian and NSW Governments that the Commonwealth will:

  • Support at least 2.2GW of renewable generation infrastructure with Capacity Investment Scheme Agreements (CISAs). This exceeds the 1.1GW indicative tender size planned in the 2023 Infrastructure Investment Objectives Report. The amount supported through the tender will ultimately be dependant on the competitiveness of bids.

Projects that would have been eligible to bid for a generation Long-Term Energy Service Agreement (LTESA) will be able to bid in the CISA tender.

Both Governments have committed to continuing to work closely together to advance a single combined tender process for generation infrastructure under the CIS and NSW Roadmap from November this year.

The Q2 2024 competitive tender for long-duration storage infrastructure supported by NSW LTESAs will continue as planned, and is expected to be offered simultaneously with Access Rights in the South West Renewable Energy Zone.

Further information on these tenders is expected to be released on the AEMO Services’ website in coming weeks.

Last updated 22 Apr 2024