We have announced the Long Duration Storage (LDS) outcome of Tender Round 5.
Three projects representing 1.03GW (13.79 GWh) of long duration storage have received Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) following AEMO Services’ competitive tender assessment process.
Successful projects include a Pumped Hydro Energy System (PHES) which is expected to have a storage capacity of about 11,990 MWh and capable of dispatching its stored energy over about 15 hours, and two Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) which each have storage capacity equivalent to 8 hours’ duration.
More information on the successful projects and the assessment of bids for Tender Round 5 is available in the NSW Roadmap Tender Round 5 Market Briefing Note.
Project name | Proponent | Technology | Capacity | Storage Duration |
ACEN Phoenix PHES | ACEN Phoenix Pty Ltd | PHES | 800 MW / 11,990 MWh | 15 hours |
Stoney Creek BESS | Enervest Utility Pty Ltd | BESS (Lithium-ion) | 125 MW / 1,000 MWh | 8 hours |
Griffith BESS | Eku Energy Projects (Australia) Pty Ltd |
BESS (Lithium-ion) | 100 MW / 800 MWh | 8 hours |
The Tender Round 5 LDS projects are expected to contribute a further 11% towards the LDS minimum objective of 2 GW by 2030 and 49% toward the minimum objective of 28 GWh by 2034, set under the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 (EII Act). Combined, outcomes from the three completed LDS tenders are expected to contribute an overall 40% to the 2030 minimum objective and more than 65% towards the 2034 minimum objective.
Benefits of LTESA Awarded Projects
- Consumer value: the successful projects demonstrate long-term financial value for NSW electricity consumers, including competitive cost and limited cost exposure, high market benefits, and minimal or no departure from the pro-forma contract risk allocation. Projects also committed to a diverse range of social license initiatives.
- Energy delivery: successful projects have a combined capacity of 1,025 MW, equivalent to about 8% of NSW’s peak summer demand.
- System strength: supports the reliability and security of NSW’s energy system by providing additional energy storage and dispatch capacity, frequency and voltage control, and system restart ancillary services.
NSW Roadmap Tender Round 5 sought to allocate up to an initial 3.98 GW of Access Rights in the South West Renewable Energy Zone, in addition to securing 1 GW of Long Duration Storage.
AEMO Services, as the Independent NSW Consumer Trustee, has concluded the tender for South West Access Rights according to the timeline published on our website. Successful and unsuccessful proponents have been notified. AEMO Services in its role as the Consumer Trustee provides recommendations to EnergyCo as the Infrastructure Planner.
AEMO Services understands that following the relevant statutory processes, EnergyCo expects to make a decision on the grant of Access Rights in Q1 2025. They will notify successful proponents once the decision has been made.
* As advised by the NSW Government
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A recording of the NSW Roadmap Tender Round 5 for South West REZ Access Rights and LDS LTESA webinar is available.
Watch Webinar
Last updated 7 Mar 2025
Tender Guidelines | Purpose |
Tender Guidelines |
Guidelines for Tender Round 5 |
Addendum 1 to the Tender Guidelines | Amendments to Eligibility Criteria 10 and information to be requested for Merit Criteria 5 |
South West REZ Access Rights Supplement |
Additional information regarding South West REZ and Access Rights |
Project Documents - LDS | Purpose |
Final Long-Term Energy Service Agreement for long-duration storage projects, to be executed with the SFV |
LDS PDA | Final Project Development Agreement for long-duration storage projects, to be executed with the SFV |
LDS PDA and LTESA - Tripartite Deed |
Final Tripartite for both the LDS PDA and LTESA, to be executed with the SFV and Security Trustees No changes from the draft Tripartite released May 2024. |
LDS LTESA (Compare vs Draft May 2024) |
Compare against the draft LDS LTESA for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
LDS PDA (Compare vs Draft May 2024) |
Compare against the draft LDS PDA for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
Project Documents - Access Rights | Purpose |
South West REZ Access PDA | Final Project Development Agreement for South West REZ Access Rights, to be executed with EnergyCo |
South West REZ Access PDA - Tripartite Deed | Final Tripartite for the Access PDA, to be executed with EnergyCo and Security Trustees |
South West REZ Access Payment Deed | Final Access Payment Deed for South West REZ Access Right Holders, to be executed with the SFV. |
South West REZ Access Payment Deed – Tripartite Deed | Final Tripartite for the Access Payment Deed, to be executed with the SFV and Security Trustees |
South West REZ Access PDA Compare | Compare against the draft South West REZ Access PDA for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
South West REZ Access PDA - Tripartite Deed Compare | Compare against the draft South West REZ Access PDA – Tripartite Deed for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
South West REZ Access Payment Deed Compare | Compare against the draft South West REZ Access Payment Deed for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
South West REZ Access Payment Deed Tripartite Deed Compare | Compare against the draft South West REZ Access Payment Deed – Tripartite Deed for Tender Round 5 (May 2024) |
Additional information - Access Fees and TTCL | Purpose |
South West REZ Access Fee Determination | Determination made by the Consumer Trustee |
South West REZ Access Fees Statement of Reasons | Public summary of reasons for Consumer Trustee’s decision on Access Fees. |
South West REZ Access Fee Guidelines | Guidelines for South West REZ Access Fees |
South West Rez Updates | This document provides a high-level summary of the key changes between the May 2024 and current versions of the Access Fee Guidelines and Draft Access Fee Determination. |
South West REZ Access Scheme TTCL paper | Methodology paper for Target Transmission Curtailment Level & Headroom Assessment for the South West REZ Access Scheme |
Project Bid documents | Purpose |
Returnable Schedule MC1 | Information to be provided by South West REZ Access Right proponents, equivalent to a connection enquiry |
Returnable Schedule MC4 | Information to be provided by all proponents for MC4 - Community Engagement Plan Commitments |
Tender Process Deed - Consortium | Tender Process Deed to be signed by proponents (if a consortium) and attached to their Project Bid |
Tender Process Deed - Single | Tender Process Deed to be signed by proponents (if single entity) and attached to their Project Bid |
Guidance for completing Tender Process Deed | Information to assist in completing the Tender Process Deed |
Guidance for completing social licence returnable schedules | Additional guidance for completing the MC4 and MC7 returnable schedules, noting only MC4 is required for the Project Bid |
Social Licence Market Briefing Note | Additional guidance to help Proponents address MC4 and MC7 in their Bids, noting only MC4 is required for the Project Bid |
FAQ from 28 May 2024 Webinar | Responses to additional questions from the Tender Round 5 Webinar, to provide clarifications and guidance for Project Bids |
Tender Rules | Purpose |
Tender Rules May 2024 |
Tender Rules as of May 2024 |
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To access your bid log into the portal
Tender portal
A recording of the NSW Roadmap Tender Round 5 for South West REZ Access Rights and LDS LTESA webinar is available.
Watch Webinar
Last updated 7 Mar 2025